Why Getting Along is So Important

On Sunday we looked at the scars Paul bore for the sake of the Gospel (Acts 14).  We also discussed the possibility that the 'scars' we bear for the sake of the Gospel are the preferences we sacrifice for the sake others in the church; i.e. what we give up for the sake of others in the family.  Why should we prefer the needs of others over our own?  Why is it so important that we get along?  Because the truth of the Gospel we profess to believe depends on it.  "[The unity of the body] is loadbearing," say N.T. Wright, "If this gives way, everything comes crashing down."

The church is one body; united by one God, through his one Son, filled with the same (His) Spirit.  Church unity is really important.

Getting along with others in not important because it is convenient, but because the Gospel you profess to believe depends on it.

The picture above is helpful.  It is from N.T. Wright's book Paul and the Faithfulness of God.  Sometimes you come across someone who says what you are trying to say better than you can.  The best thing to do in that situation is quote them and give them the credit.

Do you belong to the family of God (i.e. the church)?  Are you straining every nerve maintain the unity of the body?  Are you seeking to have the mind of Christ?  Are you on the path of giving up your status and rights for the sake of others?

If you are, you're on the right path.  They are the scars you bear to show that you belong (Gal. 6:17).


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