
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Lamb of God

Agnus Dei  by Francisco de Zurbarán On Sunday you should have received a bulletin with our Daily Prayer Guide printed on the back.  The guide is simply a  guide; not the guide.  If you have an established path of prayer, great.  If not, feel free to use this guide.  It is the guide I use in for my morning prayer time.  Here, I don't want to explain the whole thing, but one part - the Gospel Reading for the Week. The Gospel Reading for the Week is just that - one reading from one of the Gospels that is read every day of the week.  On Sundays we get a new Gospel Reading that corresponds to day on the church calendar.  The church calendar revolves around the life of Christ, so the Gospel Readings walks us through the life of Christ on an annual basis (this is good for those learning the Jesus Way). The first time you hear the Gospel Reading is together during our worship service.  Then, each day during your individual prayer time, you encounter the Gospel Reading again.