
Showing posts from May, 2016

Sabbath is Death

Sabbath is Death Busyness.  The American mantra, "I'm busy."  Basically it means, "I'm stressed."  Or, "I'm worried." Or, "I'm depressed." It means I don't know how to say "No."      Which means I don't know how to prioritize.      Which means I don't know what's truly important. I don't know what's truly important so I'll make my life busy so that I feel important (w ork 50-70 hours per week, s chedule back to back meetings, etc.). We feel busy, because we are trying to get everything done this week when realistically we should give ourselves a month.   Or we are trying to accomplish everything in one month that should take six.   Or we are trying to accomplish in ten months what really take one year. We are stressed because we don't know how to rest.  We don't know how to rest from work.   To rest from work means to trust God.  We are busy and stres